Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (3)



2016-02-24 16:32

Auto call recording

Did you miss phone calls and hope your friend to leave you a voice mail? Go to Settings in the dialing panel, click Call recordings and active Auto recording call, it enable your friend to leave you voice mail when you are not available, and it doesn't cost you extra payment of operator!


Muitiple select by sliding

Sometimes you need to select multiple options, it will be not convinient select them one by one (you can click select all as well, but sometimes you just need to select part of them), try to select them by sliding from options in Message, Mail, File Explorer, Music Apps.

Quick Volume/Lightness up&down in Video

We have design gestures in Video App for you to do quick adjustment, slide up/down from the left side to adjust the volume, and right side for lightness

Pin code panel

To unlock your phone, you can type the PIN code, while you can slide from the numbers as well

Switch your camera by sliding

In our new beta firmware, we have added a new function, switch your main and front camera by sliding just like the way shows below:

Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (1)
Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (2)
Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (4)

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