Flyme Tips: Small functions that you may not know (6)



2016-03-15 18:01

Hi, Flyme fans, it has been some days past since last Flyme tips vol 5, today we are going to tell how to set ringtones for indivusuals and display selected group contacts:

1. Set rintones for your indivusual friends: go to contacts panel and select one of your contact -> click edit -> add another field -> Ringtones, and select the ringtone for this friend


2. Display selected group contacts: Click Groups in Dialer panel, and tik the groups which you want to display, return to your contacts list, and you will see only the contacts from your selected groups displays


Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (1)

Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (2)

Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (3)

Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (4)

Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (5)

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