Gold:2018 Sign In:222
1. Closing browser tabs quickly:
- On your browser select the tab to close then simply slide up.
2. Custom Notification Bar Order:
- Select the desired icon to move.
- Long press and drag to the desired postion.
3. Adjustable Icon Order:
- Select a picture from your gallery then press "share".
- Then select the option "more".
- Select the app to move then use the dotted symbols on the left hand side to drag onto the desired position.
4. Airplane Mode Alternative Functions:
- Turn on "Airplane Mode".
- Then turn on the other functions (wifi, bluetooth, location info) except the data connection.
Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (1)
Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (2)
Flyme tips: Small functions that you may not know (3)
Do you think that the functions listed above are useful?