September Highlights 2018



2018-10-08 01:34

Edited by TimaHabibov at 2018-10-07 19:41

Hey guys! How was your first study month? Hope you overcome it well! Now it's time to see what highlights Flyme Forum had in September. Let's go!

Event & Holiday

Flyme Collections

Tutorials & Reviews


Top 20 users in September
The points will be the calculation result of thread (5 points) + reply (1 point) + signin (1 point). The results of September are as follows:

Recommendation of the month
The Monthly Highlight Writer will receive $10 USD Amazon card as rewards, please contact KKPanda

So, the winner and September recommendation is...Vohra! He created many useful and interesting contents this month (click on his profile link to check his brilliant works).Thanks, Vohra, for your hard work and congrats for winning the prize for the second time! We hope other users will also create many stunning threads next month.

If your thread is not coming up, don't be discouraged! Try these 2 steps to make more people notice your work:
1. post it in the proper section, for example, post your tutorials in General > Tutorialsection, or post your wallpapers in General > Resources section, so it can be found easily;
2. instead of simply attach a Youtube link in the thread, try writing the thread with as many details and steps as possible. Or you can embed the video in the thread so forum members can view it directly (Check video embedding tutorial here). This way, users can easily learn the trick and your thread views will be boosted more easily.

As always, we would like to give our appreciation to our moderators and content writers, for they have contributed their valuble time and experience to help our users and made our forum better day by day. Thanks guys!

These are the highlights from September. You can also check highlights from previous month. See you next month!