[Debate] Would you share your passwords with your loved ones.



2016-06-30 03:30

In recent times it has become very common among young people to share their passwords with their loved ones. People think of it as a sign of trust and affection and hence share their phone, e-mail, social network passwords with their partners. Some people even create identical passwords or passwords with the name of their partners as a sign of love.

But out of love, people often forget that they are compromising their own privacy and that of others too while they share their password to others.

There might times when your boss sends you an important or confidential e-mail which is not meant to be read by others or your best friend tells you their problems or secrets thinking that you are the only one who is going to read this message. Under such a situation we put others too at risk.

While different people have different opinions on whether to share passwords or not, it purely depends on an individual whether they want to share their password with someone they love or not.

So what do you feel about sharing of passwords. Do you share your passwords with your loved ones. Please comment your views on this.

Pro Side (22)


I do not mind sharing my password

Con Side (25)


I do not feel the need of sharing it

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