[Flyme]Flyme Camera HDR



2016-06-24 11:59

#‎DidYouKnow HDR photography is done by taking multiplepictures at a variety of different exposures of the same image and merging itinto one single image with the highlights and lowlights in the right areas. Itsounds like the go-to solution to get appealing photos but in fact, HDR is not a one-size-fits-all solution,especially for super-low light situations.[size=14.6667px]Learn more about when the flip the switch to HDR and when to go natural. Read here

Flyme HDR has implimented this technology to make your moment captures more beautiful.
Learn more about when to flip the switch to HDR and when to go natural: http://bit.ly/1xRQqUn
These are some pictures in HDR mode that I clicked when I was travelling in Beijing last week.
Wall Painting & Carvings
Walking on the Beijing Street
Night Mode        
Love Nachos        
Cafe 365IN     

So what do you think....has Flyme HDR camera done the much needed justice in all the above images?