Flyme vs Stock Android - Widgets



2016-06-03 12:52

One more feature that I wanna show off today would be the "Arrange Icons". This is basically over and above the stock android widgets category.

To fully use a big screen, we changed our icon layout from 4 lines to 5 lines. This way you can put more content on just one page of the screen. We want to keep things simple and that’s why we don't have an app drawer in Flyme.

Above are the screenshots when you pinch the screens in Flyme and a Stock Android screen. Most of the things remain same, while we have added a feature called “Arrange Icons”.

Withthis you can conveniently manage the icons, we added Batch management feature so now you can batch manage your icons. Move more than one app icon from onescreen to another. It’s not only convenient but will save a lot of your time.

So have you used this feature? What do you think about this? Can we do more better than whats there?
