Super mBack: the after-mBack stage solution



2018-02-12 23:30

During the launch of M6s, a lot of users are intrigued by this image, which briefly introduced the advanced edition of mBack interaction: Super mBack!
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On the image, we can see the basic interaction of this Super mBack. Different from mBack, this new interaction 'Super mBack' relies on no physical Home key. It fits into the edgeless Meizu M6s perfectly and keep the classic and intuitive mBack alive. The classic mBack is very simple yet very user-friendly: gently tap on the Home key you will go back to the previous page, and press the Home key a little harder, you will go back to Home screen directly anytime. While in this advance Super mBack, users can achieve the same goals: return, Home, activate Google Assistant without a Home key, but a Halo button. What's more, it is also possible to access multi-tasking and switch between apps by the key.

Since the key to achieve 'return' and 'Home' in Super mBack is the pressure intensity, many users were wondering if it's the same like 3D Press on the PRO 6. Well, actually it's quite different. The PRO 6 recognizes the pressure intensity because its screen supports pressure sensoring therefore users can press hardly on any part of the screen to access shortcut feature (if the spot he presses has a feature); however, the Super mBack is made possible because of an in-built pressure sensor under the Halo button, which means outside the Halo the pressure will not be recognized.

Though some of the users prefer physical mBack Home button, the advantage of Super mBack is obvious: it can be built into the screen, thus the phone design now has more possibility: edgeless screen, side fingerprint, and more!

What do you think about this new Super mBack? Tell us your suggestions and some day it might be added into the next generation of mBack!