[Answers & New topic] The Flyme I Want Vol.3



2016-08-16 00:22

Hi guys, after last week's launch event, the third volume of The Flyme I Want is here! And as last time, we have the answers for the questions about Memos app.

And also, we bring you the new topic --- Clock app! Tell us what you are looking for in the Clock app, and leave your questions before 16:00 PM CST, August 19th. We'll get the answers on August 29th for you!

Ready for the answers related to Memos app? Here we go!

1. Memo title should be the first sentence of note or editable and should stay on top.
A: On the memo editing page, user can drag down the page and the title column will be displayed. Users can edit the title there and it will be displayed in the memos list.

2. Add bullets to memos
A: We do have checklist view in the memos, which can be used as bullet points.

3. Add a feature where users can insert excel table and export the memos as Word/PPT/Excel documents?
A: This feature is not very frequently requested and used, so we might not consider it in near future.

4. I think the most important feature missing in Memos app is UNDO.
A: In Flyme versions which based on Android 6, 'Undo' can be achieved by holding the memo editing page. This feature will be added gradually on other versions.

5. Can you add some color for highlight important things?
A: We already start the developing process for adding italic and bold fonts, this can help highlighing things and will be achieved soon.

6. Can you add a feature to categorize the memos by different colors, or add some sub-categories to make the memos more organized.
A: The current organizing categories satisfied most users' daily usage, and color labels and sub-categories might be a bit confusing when there are too many categories in Memos app. So we would not add more colors or sub-categories for now.

7. Can you add remainder option in Memos?
A: This is a very handy feature, we are actually developing this feature so our users can look forward to this one.

8. Can you add an option to stick notes to homescreen as widgets it will be more useful?
A: We'll evaluate the feasibility of this feature.

9. It would be nice if I can back up my Memos.
A: Cloud backup for Memos will be available in the September firmware:)
