[Winner Announced] Story of My 2017



2017-12-22 16:48

After reading all the stories, we are happy that most of our users have a meaningful 2017. It is very difficult for the team to pick only 3 to be rewarded, so if your answer is not picked, don't be discouraged! We love ALL the stories and we just have to pick 3 that respresent most of the answers.

To understand the meaning that life means to spend more time with our family, and to do what is right even it’s a heavy responsibility.

2. User5205765216
For he understand that no matter how life changes, we must not lose faith, and be brave. And also for his beautiful poem and pure talent.

Besides giving care to the elderly, life also carries on by the arrival of a new generation. We hope Vohra’s little princess have a great new year!

Congratulations to the winners! Please contact KKPanda on the forum private message to claim your prize!
Thanks all participants for sharing your valuable experience in 2017, they are all very very touching and impressive! Wish all of you have a better 2018 together with the forum! Cheers!


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Hi guys! The Christmas and new year is coming! Only 9 days left in 2017, do you have a fulfilling year? In every year's beginning, we always have a lot of resolutions and ambitions. Some of us might have succeeded, while some of us let us down a bit, maybe again and again. But I bet all of us had at least achieved something in this year. Let's kick off 2018 with a summary of 2017 and maybe a little bit vision for 2018! We pick 3 most touching and inspiring stories go give out $50 Amazon Card!

I'll go first! This year, I had a resolution to learn legal English and read more book on product designing. But I'm not proud that I didn't exactly achieve these targets. However, in this year, I have made some new good friends, and I spent more time with my family than the previous year, so  that's a silver-line for me. In 2018, I want to continue learning legal knowledge and devote more of my energy into building a better Flyme community. Let's work together!

Now it's your turn! Tell us your excellent 2017 stories and you might be winning $50 Amazon Card!!! We'll announce the winners on January 3rd! Every reply before 10 AM, January 3rd (GMT+8) will be counted! Good luck!