Flyme Tips Chapter 3 Vol.2: Muting Notifications



2016-08-05 11:21

Muting calling notifications, can be a major feature of Flyme 5. Users will no longer be interrupted by a sudden call, and have to worry about the game being in a full-screen game. But then again there's a problem, I do not want to take a phone call so what can I do about it? Just simply ignore it, ringing incessantly; don't hang up, because that would be impolite, if only there is a mute button that won't hang up or end the call it would be very useful...... Yes, there's a function for that. You just need to simply press one of  the volume buttons on the side of the phone to mute the call, and the floating notification will still be seen, so no need to hang up, this way you can continue to enjoy your full screen game now.
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