How to make your food looks more delicious



2016-07-01 17:23

Are you a foodie? If you are, you must be annoying your friends all the time by taking pictures of every delicious meal.

But here is the question: why are my food photos never look as good as other people's? Here are some tips:

First of all, like all other photos, food photo needs LIGHT!

Typically, warm light would give a much more yummy effect to your food. Take an example here:

We can see this is a very delicate and beautiful cake, but the light source is uneven so only one side of this cake is properly lighted, thus the tune of the colors are not very appealing.

The next photo shows how food would look more delicious under flattery light.

Second of all, if you want to put all emphasis on the food, keep the background CLEAN.
Let's see 2 chocolate cakes. Both look delicious, but as per photo structure, people would always see the flower first, because it takes the highlight of the photo and the cake looks unnoticeable. On the other hand, the second cake is clearly the highlight and theme of this picture, and viewers can see a very detailed texture of this cake, which makes viewers feel more closer to the scene.

Third, if your food is colorful, don't hesitate to show all the colors, and better go with some match settings.

For example, the following two pictures are both very attractive. the reason why they look yummy is not only because the food is colorful, but also because the photographer put some matching objects to lighten up the settings, which gives the photos a very harmonious look. So when you want to create a very sophisticated and high-class food pictures, do not hesitate on using matching tablewares and objects.

Fourth, to capture the dynamics of the food (certain equipment and skills are required)
For example, this photo captured the honey dripping down the pancake. This one is like a textbook photo because of the clean background, the matching cup and plate, and the harmoniously conflicted color tone.

By showing the motion, viewers can very easily feel the mood and expectations of the photographer.

Last but not least, to attract more viewers, make sure your food is very seasonal: hot beverages in a cold winter day, or a cup of icy smoothie in a hot summer afternoon. This will evoke the empathy of the viewers and thus make them like your photos more.

These are some tips I found useful in taking food photos. Bon appetite !