Battery usage on



2018-11-15 13:47

How can I find out my phone SOT and battery usage since last charge?
It seems that battery info shows fake or unreal data, because it's impossible to have 6 hours SOT after just a few hours since last charge. This info does not reset after charging battery, it only shows different values.
Graphical usage since last charge seems to reset after a while. What I mean is it shows a period of usage, not the whole time since last charge (I'm guessing 12 hours graph interval). Even after I took the attached screenshots, SOT decreased (!!!) by about a minute.
These issues weren't present on Flyme, only on and
Even putting a home screen shortcut with "$PowerUsageSummaryActivity" doesn't resolve the errors, this graph resets even faster, showing just a few minutes of usage.
In Battery Manager settings, I have enabled "Turn on power usage".
Is this a bug?