Flyme for MX5 &m2 note



2016-05-31 21:55

Release Notes


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Downloading via mobile networks may incuradditional charges. If possible,please download via Wi-Fi network.
To avoid loss of data & if required,please perform Flyme or relevant backups before upgrading.
To avoid bricking the phone, do not turnoff or reboot the device while upgrading.

[User Center]
Added User Center.

Added new toggles for VPN, screenshot,hotspot, etc. in Notification bar;
Optimized the statistic calculation forbattery usage;
Added WLAN Doctor to WLAN page in Settingsto enhance the security of the network;
When using 2 SIMs, users can set differentringtones for each SIM;
Optimized the icons for Notifications andSystem in ringtone adjusting bar;
Optimized the setting logic for default appsetting;

Added ‘USB installation manager’ inPermissions to avoid unauthorized installation of apps via USB cable;
Added a ‘Clean similar photos’ feature toPurifier in Security to release phone storage;
Optimized the judging logic for batteryconsumption when standby;
Optimized the notifications in Notificationbar;

[File Explorer]
Optimized the file categories, now all thefiles will be displayed as All files, Office files or E-book;
Optimized the zip files where the file listwill be displayed directly now;

Optimized the using experience of Cropfeature in Gallery;
Optimized the popup texts and visuals onthe managing page of burst shooting photos;
Added an album for Burst shooting;
The backgroundcolor for full-size preview becomes white;
Optimized the responsive speed when go toGallery from Camera;

Optimized the photo shooting process andincreased shooting speed;
Optimized the flashlight that is nowdisabled by default and will not use last time’s setting;
Optimized the bug in which users cannot tapthe shutter button to take photos;
Fixed the bug in which users cannot tap thethumbnail to view the video or slow-mo video after shooting;
Fixed the bug in which the photos are blurrywhen viewed by tapping thumbnail on Camera;

[Home screen]
Optimized thecursor when edit an app folder. The cursor color will dynamically changeaccording to wallpaper color;
Optimized the iconsize for Bluetooth keyboard on notification bar;

[Lock screen]
Optimized the color-changingalgorithm for the text on lock screen;
Enlarged the area to activate Camera onlock screen;
Fixed the bug in which the music will bepaused by pressing the power key after unlock the screen during music playingand launch Music app;

Added an option to hide past events anddeclined events
Added a switch for Calendarnotifications;

Fixed the cracking voice issue on thesystem and some third-party apps notifications;

Optimized the swiping gestures whenswitching between mails;

Optimized system language translations