2018-08-08 11:36

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Google celebrates the arrival of its Android versions with a tempting high-calorie codename, or at least, that's been the case since it acquired Android. So, here's a quick look at every version of Android so far -

Cupcake: Google kicked off the trend of naming Android after yummy desserts with Android version 1.5.

Donut: Android version 1.6, released in 2009, was codenamed as 'Donut.'

Eclair: Android 2.0 released in October 2009 was codenamed after the baked pastries with chocolate filling.

Froyo: Android 2.2 was named after the popular abbreviation for Frozen Yogurt, which was one of the major business trends that year.

Gingerbread: Android 2.3 brought some design changes and it was named after the popular ginger-flavored cookies.

Honeycomb: Android 3.0 was released in 2011. It was Android's first tablet-focused update.

Ice-Cream Sandwich: Android 4.0, dubbed Ice-cream Sandwich, brought some drastic design changes.

Jelly Bean: Android 4.1 nicknamed Jelly Bean introduced 'Google Now.'

KitKat: Google partnered with Nestle to get this name for Android 4.4.

Lollipop: Android 5.0 Lollipop brought a bold visual style and fluid tactile response of Material Design. It also broke the hearts of those wishing for Android Ladoo

Marshmallow: Android 6.0 Marshmallow introduced a fistful of new features such as Doze mode and polished the Android experience to a great degree.

Nougat: According to Google, Android 7.0 Nougat was their sweetest version of the OS.

Oreo: Android 8.0 Oreo was internally codenamed "Oatmeal Cookie." However, Google changed its name to Oreo before the launch.

Pie: Yes, it's official. Android 9 is called Pie. It is not necessarily a dessert name, but that's what we have.