[REVIEW]- MX5 – The New and the Old with Odds. PART-1



2016-05-01 20:43

Edited by Himanshu_singh at 2016-05-01 18:25

Hi everyone,

I am sure you guys must have seen the previous thread of totally explanation of why we doing it!

Well let’s get to the real part of the device!

Far too often people go for content writer words as to which  one is best by playing with numbers.
Today we won’t be repeating that thing here…


When it was launched back last year it was priced basic model at 330$ with max -430 $. Now that was a year long back. If we are to look at the same in current time the prices have been reduced drastically as close to 100$ each. And these changes were welcomed quite rapidly in china and at some places around the world which resulted in stock out in mere few hrs of this news out in market!
The current basic is now priced at 1499RMB. And 230$ rough for Global model. That’s quite competitive if we are to compare it in terms of feature with other OEM’s model.
Hence we can conclude that in term of today’s time it fits in budget category rather than mid range.

Q- Does these prices are globally accepted?
A – Not entirely! Far too often with different customs and dealers which take the distribution network outside china use these mere chances to earn a bit more. Hence even if the price are dropped in general case many of the dealer have just reduced a fragment in order to increase profit margin scale on their behalf.
But in most regional places where the device was sold in collaboration with the company had a very equivalent drop. This can be seen from time to time with various festive offers.


Weather we consider last year or this one. There have been shifts in industry to adopt for metal design because it gives a premium feel on the hands and looks.

Keeping this in mind when MX5 is considered you can no doubt when have it in your hands that it feels really great and unlike many other metal phones the feel of it being low quality is never felt.

I can say so with my own personal experience.

It is a 7.6mm thin device with a super amoled display on front. The size of screen even after being 5.5’ make the phone look one hand compact whenever the function is dealt with.

Q- If it is metal design can it withstand breaking and stress test totally ?
A – It can withstand fairly enough as to your regular design. The screen and body would not be disassembled from any impact weather press or drop at all . The maximum damage that you can cause  is breaking the LCD inside the glass if you apply 40-55kg+ of force at single point. This all above is for all normal user. Who while walking ,driving or accidently sit down on the phone.

Not everyone is going to make the phone to pass through 1Ton piston press on everyday basis !

All in all the design with the metal grade looks good when you consider a moderate temp. Environment usage all the time. But there is a setback which far too often is misinterpreted.
*device gets warmed up on normal usage*, *I was doing my normal work and device heat up quite to point where it felt hot over the ears in placing*….. And many more similar to these

Let me tell you something basic about metals ! * THEY ARE HEAT ABSROBANT*
Yes! What I stated above actually summarize a lot of issue . the MX5 or to any other for matter if or when used in normal basis will be at max utilizing 2-3 coresor 4 which would not be clocked anything above 1.3 MHz in working .

So the notion which I have seen being answered by many OEM social handlers is
*hi there it is due to the processor being clocked high which cause the matter*
Is a total LIE . Because they only heard the heading but they haven’t taken inconsideration that metal start absorbing heat (discarding scientific annotation for ease) whenever we cross the 35-40C .

I don’t know about rest all people but I live in Delhi which gets as hot as 45 in general basis every day. So it is quite common for me to see that my device also having similar warming if I not even use it. Because that’s what metal property is like!

Any solution to this ?
Keep your phone in bit normal inside environment for 3-5 min and it would be normal because as fast as metal absorb it emits the same out when kept in cool environment.

And if now we are to consider it in current time , all the OEM have gone with metal design so congratulation everyone you get unique design but kindly spare the warming up coz it is common .

Q- Isn’t there any other material which OEM could use?
A – Yes there is and it is used in high end model of few OEM. *ceramic /glass ceramic* I am sure by now you know of all the model name which use this very design. It is currently considered premium but as compared to metal the property of ceramic can make it little to 0% heat absorbent. So it would not absorb heat from outside. But also their material structures make it possible to dissipate heat at much faster rate as compared to metal.

Q- How can you be so sure it is the case ?
A – Use any ceramic capacitor heat it by blowing the ceramic with high VOLTAGE. If the material is right the heat would be gone in just a 1-2 min. whereas metal would take 3-6 for the same . ( WARNING- this experiment is not advised for those who don’t have proper knowledge of practical electronic and also not for anyone under -19 )


With volume rocker and power placed on right side and sim card slot on left it is made to fit right in hands . The speakers on the bottom of phone are placed besides the micro USB port. With a high CNC precision . They are fairly loud enough and clear as well .
But being placed on bottom makes a hindrance for them as well when ever gaming experience is concerned. But really isn’t much of an issue as it depends on grip pattern of the user.
Overall feeling of the phone in term of design on first glance gave me feeling of an iPhone model.
But believe me it is not. The curved edge aren’t U shaped rather than have a slight edge curve which make the phone to feel gripping . but at times with a smooth polishing all that is lost as the curve make the phone on hold looks good but on texting ends up making it bit slippery which calls in for making it use two handed rather than single.
(For comparison my hands are fair enough that I can pick the volley ball easily single handed without exerting any force for grip.)


There really isn’t much to say unlike other OEM if we consider current time super amoled is totally amazing. One can simple use the phone in full day light and in night as well and phone would be easily able to produce right color in every environment there really isn’t any doubt that amoled does reproduce very rich color as compared to usual LED of the same range in pixels.
Feature of above explanation is referred to as *Mira vision technology*
Contrast ratio of amoled in 10000:1 and it can go as low as 1.4nit.
And over the top feature which display brings is low battery consumption as compared to general LED.

With this above we wrap up the first initial of the review part !
Instead of making a super duper long review we are doing it in pieces so as to make it easier to read !
If you got any FAQ regarding any above info or any feature of the same you can post them in comments and I would make sure to answer you with appropriate explanation if necessar.