[Debate] Do you think Meizu should ditch mBack button for a Bezelless display



2017-11-24 02:25

Edited by brian_rodrigues at 2017-11-24 23:34

The mBack button has been one of the best innovations by Meizu in recent years. The one button that does it all concept has been loved by everyone with many companies like Lenovo, Xiaomi, Elephone, Smartisan etc trying to replicate and reinvent their own version of this.

However, 2017 has been an year all about smartphones with huge screens. Almost every smartphone brand is coming up with their own version of 18:9 Full screen displays. Although Meizu has not yet launched its version of the bezelless display phone, Meizu's VP Li Nan and Meizu's marketing head Ard Boudeling have confirmed multiple times that Meizu is working on a phone with bezelless display.

Now here is the reason for starting the debate/poll. Recently some pictures have surfaced online which could be that of the upcoming Meizu phone with the bezelless display. But having a bezelless display on any phone leaves no room for a physical key in the front. (You can view the leaked images of the upcoming Meizu phone from the link here)

So here is the question: Do you think Meizu should ditch its legendary mBack button in favor of a full screen display.

What do you think should be Meizu's pick for its next (bezelless) phone:
1) Meizu should ditch mBack completely and use onscreen navigation buttons instead
2) Meizu should design a pressure sensitive virtual mBack key (similar to the pressure sensitive onscreen home key in Samsung S8 and Note 8)
3) Meizu should relocate the mBack button to the side of the phone so that we still have a fully functional physical mBack key
4) Any other alternative (mention in your comments)

Multiple Polls: ( Maximum 2 choices ), Total 41 Users voted
4.76% (2)
78.57% (33)
9.52% (4)
7.14% (3)
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