Root Acces disabled WTF?



2017-10-01 18:24

What's happen in the brain of Meizu developpers? Root access that is most important settings in their devices is totally disabled??!
They didn't understand anything.. Ok some users are shits and don't now how to use root grants but that's their problem if they do some shit they 've read the caution like all and accept it. And now the developpement options are hidden ( M5 Note so we can't activate the usb debugging to root manually with pc.
Root permissions is a must have on Android which is not the case on iOS. Delete Root is delete the advantage of Android. Root is very usefull like when your phone is lost or stolen, you can activate many settings options like data, disable airplane mode, gps and many many more...
Meizu Team is not honnest with their customers and didn't say that the Root will be disabled before Update. This is very disappointing, you should let root access with caution but not stop all like that. You are going to lost some customers like me.
I don't know maybe that's great to lost some customers... tell me.