[Tutorial]Uninstall System Apps(No ROOT) - Flyme OS



2017-08-03 18:51

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Edited by Ansh_Singh at 2017-08-06 00:06

Hello Guys I am Ansh

Today I will tell you how to uninstall any system app. This is a universal tutorial and is applicable on all devices. Flyme OS is debloated already i.e. no unneccesary apps are present. But you may think some apps as uncessary and want to uninstall them. So lets get started!

Firstly download the zip file provided below and extract it to any suitable location. Then download the drivers for your device and the adb and fastboot binary. Now here goes the tutorial step-by-step.

1.On your phone enable usb debugging and connect it to your computer.

2.Plug the phone is "file transfer(MTP) mode.

3.Head over to the directory where you have extracted the zip file named "platform tools".

4.Lauch a command propmt windows there and type there : adb devices

5.You will the system starting the ADB Daemon. Your phone may prompt to autorize the connection. Grant it.

6.Now if you recheck for devices connected you will get the name of device.

7.Enter the command : adb shell

8. Execute the command "pm list packages | grep '<OEM/ Carrier/ App Name>'" do it (without quotes) to get the packages names.
OR Else downlaod an app known as App Inspector to get the packages names.

9.Execute the command like so: "pm uninstall -k --user 0 <name of package>" do it without qoutes.

10. Now after this the system app you want will get uninstalled.

Note: Please mind that uninstalling system apps can be dangerous sometimes (not always and very few users reported failure). Failing in executing the commands may make your phone unusable till the time you perform a factory reset.

This tutorial will surely help you to get rid of any system app that you want to get uninstalled. Some users have asked to remove Opera MAX or the Data Saver app from Flyme devices. This guide will be helpful for them. And If you want that app back in your system just perform a factory reset of your device and you will/may get that app back (all users got it back but exceptions are there)

Thanks everyone and Happy Time uninstalling apps not needed. Please like and share the thread. If you have any problems or queries be free to ask them I will help you out.In Forum App attachments can't be downlaoded! Open th thread on browser to download attachments.