How to create Classic Lyrics picture with Flyme



2017-05-12 23:59

Edited by Pulkit_Bhardwaj at 2017-06-03 13:05

There are some hidden things you don't know about or did't find in music app.
I will tell you that today,
Lyrics of songs spread thousand emotions and some of them has a deep meaning, we want to communicate then to others with a effective way.
Lyrics picture is one of that feature in flyme music app from which you can communicaite and spread those lyrics to any person in a simple and classic way.

So lets see how to do it

1. Open Flyme music app and open you favouraite song and Swipe left from album cover.

3. Hold lyrics you want to create a picture of

4. Tap on create picture

5. Tap on save and done picture is saved.

This is a sample of my picture i created

DID NOT FIND LYRICS?search with meizu search lyrics facility
If your songs lyrics are not there

Follow my tutorial
How to permanently add lyrics on mp3 file


Now you have lyrics on any mp3 song you want.

Hope this info was helpful

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