[Activities][Contest] Medal Collector!



2016-03-16 16:36

Wanna get forum medals but don't know how to? This is the must read thread for you! Participate the medal contests below, get your own medal album and be the medal collector!

1. Share your Meizu phones to get phone medals:


Follow the steps in this thread and reply there: http://forum.flymeos.com/thread-1033-1-1.html

2.Avatar Medal

Upload your forum avatar by following this thread:
and reply in the thread:"[Contest] My avatar is uploaded!", and get avatar uploaded medal

3. Share your selfie pic and get "Photo Genius" Medal

Follow this thread and reply your selfie picture there: http://forum.flymeos.com/forum.p ... 66&highlight=selfie

4. Social Media Medals:

Follow us at:
Facebook: FlymeGlobal
Twitter: FlymeGlobal
Instagram: FlymeGlobal

Take a screenshot of your following status with our channels, reply at: http://forum.flymeos.com/thread-2562-1-1.html ,  and get the following medals:

5. Panda  Medal

Go to our Medal list at: http://forum.flymeos.com/home.php?mod=medal , find out the Panda medal and click buy, to get the medal with 50 gold.

6. Meizu Headphone Medal:

For those who bought HD50,EP-21HD and EP-31 earphone users, take your earphone pictures with your forum ID writen or displayed in a mobile screen, share your picture in this thread:  http://forum.flymeos.com/forum.p ... e=1&extra=#pid20262 , and get the Earphone medal

Tags:medal, contest