Autofocus doesn't work properly



2017-04-01 20:44

Edited by User5202253016 at 2017-04-01 18:53

I've got a problem with autofocus, not sure if it's a bug, m.b. I'm just doing something wrong.
When I take photos with autofocus on, I get blurry images. Long-distance photos look better then macro, but yet too blur.
Macro mode doesn't work:

I can take macro photos in manual mode, the focus slider is in the left position:

If I tap on the screen, the slider shifts to the right (on 1/6 of the scale), the image becomes blur and the green square appears on the screen.
Manual mode doesn't help with long-distance photos, as I can't find correct focus.
Flashlight doesn't make it look better.

/Meizu mx6 M685H, Flyme


I've just tried this version:
The problem hasn't gone