Common Misconception's About Flyme



2016-07-09 01:29

Edited by subhashvarma at 2016-08-04 11:10

Let Us know The most common Misconception's about Flyme from Noobs and reviewer's

1) Flyme is Just a Themed or Customized Version of Android

No Its not.flyme is based (Not completely) on Android But the OS is not Just a cosmetic implimentation of android, Theres lot more behind the scenes in terms of Memory management ,Energy saving and stability.
Flyme was one of the first to integrate a flat UI

2) Flyme is buggy

Show me a Mobile OS that is completely bugless ? Android Vannila,CyanogenMod,Oxygen OS,MIUI,EMUI ect they all have bugs & they get fixed,The same Applies to flyme
Flyme is Getting stable and There is a notable Increase in overall performance with its frequent update's,while other OS like MIUI and EMUI push Updates they mostly are cosmetic or UI based changes and mostly come with minor bug fixes.

3) Flyme is Hard to get used to

In some reviews I have seen reviewer's,User's and Editor's describing flyme OS is difficult to be used but in reality its not true, Flyme is very user friendly and within no time you will get used to. It Looks better than Stock Android and has more Accessibility Features to make make things easy.

4) Flyme is chinese

Flyme was born in china. But its Presence is Global
Flyme's Firmware is not Only based on chinese but also has firmware (IN) for India and (G) Global firmware so you can enjoy flyme in many Different languages. Technically speaking all the versions are the same but you dont find chinese bloatware in Indian and global versions these come with google apps and services pre installed and there are slight language translation improvements.

5) Flyme is not secure

Flyme has many features to keep you safe
Flyme Has a very good built in Security Scanner and also any newly found vulnerabilities gets fixed with the updates in future flyme integrates Android security Patches, Thus providing reliable security.

6) Flyme isnt always based on latest Android version

This is beacuse flyme concentrates more on stabilizing the existing version on which it is currently based on.So if flyme gets Android 6.0 Marshmallow it makes sure android 5.0 (lollipop) is very stable
Flyme UI is bundled with features, which is more important than looking at the version of Android that the device is running
So flyme is for sure slow in updating to major android version  "Just to make the present version better"