[Debate] Would you pay for Software updates for your smartphone



2016-05-31 23:03

All of us love the news of getting the latest software update for our phone. As soon as Google comes out with a new version of Android, each one of us is anxious to know when would our device get the latest flavor of Android. But have we ever thought from the manufacturer's point of view?

Among the fierce competition nowadays, it is very tough being a smartphone manufacturer. You have to pack in the best available hardware and provide the top of line specs in order to compete with others but at the same time provide the phone at the lowest possible price in order to attract the customers. And honestly, the profit that the manufacturers earn from the sale of these devices is very thin.

Yet, the manufacturers have to spend this very little that they earn, to support the device with software updates years down the line. Frankly speaking, the amout spent to develop and roll out the software updates for just a single phone is so high that the companies literally cannot afford to dedicate so many resources considering the razor thin profits that they earn from the sales of these phones. Yet the manufacturers try their best to satisfy the customers with timely updates and keep their users happy.

So the question then is, Would you pay for Software updates for your smartphone.

Pro Side (3)

I wouldn't mind paying a small amount as this would encourage manufacturers to provide faster updates to all devices.

Con Side (25)

I feel its the duty of the smartphone manufacturers to provide software updates to all devices once they sell it.