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2016-03-09 22:23

Android version do not matters at All for me as instead of new one I would always like to have stable one
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2016-03-10 02:01

Features matters not the version of base. If flyme 5 or 6 in future provides the required features, users will be more satisfied to use it . So there is a need for evolved Flyme + security update patches of later android versions.

FYI : MIUI 7 in most of the devices are still on kitkat with the latest updates.
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2016-03-10 07:59

Because some manufacturers are stuck on kitkat for their roms does not justify the lack of marshmallow for 2015 devices, especially flagships and unfortunately judging from the face to face with the sys dev manager it seems highly unlikely we'll be getting it

Pony: I think for previous models, the main task for Flyme is to keep the firmware as stable and smooth as possible. Android 6 has not much modifications or highlights in functions. Some functions sucn as permission control, fingerprint, fast charge, etc are actually already acheived on Flyme 5. If we cannot upgrade to Android 6, we'll do our best to add more features to Flyme to compensate that.

Now if that was the norm for flagships released in 2015 no one would mind but most are already getting marshmallow or have had it for a while. Now add on top of this the fact that Android N first developers preview has been released today, and try to justify being 1 version behind (which had quite some improvements over lollipop, and soon to be 2 with N) for a flagship, not cheap high end phones but full fledged flagship?

You can't right? Well neither do I.
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2016-03-20 03:01

Note: The author has been banned or deleted.
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2016-03-20 15:43

Hope that Meizu will do a great leap moving str8t to the Android "N" version. Its rumored, that Google is giong to DO AT LAST one great step for the goodness. They're going to split android in two layers - OS and available for modifications and addons UI level. This should help to manufacturers to drammatically cut time for making new updates, tweaks and bug fixes on UI while Google would able to spread latest bugfixes and options straight to the devices without months of implementations by manufacturers, plus this should help to reduce Android platform fragmentation and give second chance to some older devices. For example, Im as iPhone 4S user got 4(!) major version updates for my phone while Android phones during product liftime rarely updates twice. That's crazy. Hope for at least Android 6.0 coming at 5-th generation of MX and PRO as soon as MX 6 and PRO 6 were presented.
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2016-03-20 15:56

James_Kho replied at 2016-02-16 10:57
certainly it will be available for the next meizu device that comes out

It better be also available for the previous ones too. We certainly know that it MUST be on PRO 6 and MX 5, considering that ALL new flagmans of will have 6.0 in stock. Its a MUST, for 2016. Sad but true, that most of companies quickly starting to "forget" about the base of their users, using older devices and cherish only a bunch of "newlyweds" with latest devices. Hope that company will do right choice. Lots of MUCH cheaper than my PRO 5 devices already have 6.0 and I can't object that Flyme 5 is a great piece of work, but its time to go further already.


James_Kho: i agree that it time to reconstruct and to consider the previous products concerning the user base and applying to their needs
2016-03-21 09:48
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Meizu Pro 6 Plus


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2016-03-21 06:00

Here is a few words about upcoming Flyme OS based on Android 6.0:

And I have question, why do you want Marshmallow? You won't even notice difference, because Flyme OS 5 has most of the Android 6.0 functions already implemented.
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2016-03-21 09:48

i agree that it time to reconstruct and to consider the previous products concerning the user base and applying to their needs
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2016-03-29 00:37

Tymcio replied at 2016-03-21 03:30
Here is a few words about upcoming Flyme OS based on Android 6.0: ...

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Meizu Pro 6 Plus


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2016-03-29 16:24

Yes I know. Wait a bit, we are working on restoring it.
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