Introducing: Flyme Content Factory Team!



2018-05-03 23:05

Hey guys! Have you noticed lately we have a new team called 'Flyme Content Factory Team' who's producing good contents over the month? This is a new team formed by a group of selected forum writers, who all have gained good names and high view numbers in the past with their contents. When you see the thread banner has 'Flyme Content Factory Presents' text, it means the content is written by one of the CFT members.

And today, over a month of experiements and trials, we feel it's high time that we introduce all the members properly.
Currently we have 5 writers in total, and we'll introduce them alphabetically. Ready?Here we go!

1. ansh1410 (uses MEIZU M2 and M5)
Ansh starts in recent half year on the forum, however he's passionate, and he also manages and helps M5 users in Devices > M5 section. He made a lot of useful threads and collects resources and generously shares with other forum members. You definitely have seen some of his work.
Tutorial on Super mBack APK Installation
Useful Features and Tricks for your Device

2. ChatDexter(uses M6 Note, PRO 7 and M3 Note)
ChatDexter is a well-known star author in the forum, who have won the yearly contributor of 2017 with his many excellent tutorials.
Apart from tutorials, he will start app series in CFT team --- collections of apps for different genres and scenes, for example, top apps for school, top apps for efficiecy, and etc. His works are so popular that I bet you must have seen some of them!
M6 Note Review
[ROOT] Improve Your Battery With This Simple Trick

3. rohit42(uses M6 Note and M5 Note)
Rohit is another enthusiastic and helpful member on the forum, you can always see him answering people's threads and sharing his experiences with abundant details. He's good at reviewing apps and finding wallpapers. In addition, he has done 4 volumes of the super interview column --- Big Fans series. He's also an active beta testers, if you enter his page, you'll see he has brought up hundreds of bugs to help improve the system. And here are some of his excellent work:
Meizu M6 Note One Piece Special Edition Stock Theme
Big Fans Super Interviews : Vol.4

4. Rudraksh (uses PRO 6 Plus and M3 Note)
Rudraksh is one of the original members ever since the forum was firstly established. He knows Flyme well and has deep experienced in the forum, he also designed excellent themes and medals for our users, therefore he's interested in finding excellent wallpapers and themes. Recently he also posted a nice Flow earphones review with good photos taken by himself.
Meizu Flow Earphones Review
Meizu PRO 7 Plus Stock Theme

5. subhashvarma(uses M2 Note)
Subhash was one of the Resource Team members, who have created some excellent wallpapers and themes. Now he's more interested in doing some contents with more depth such as techology insights, discussion on trendy topics, and etc. Let's look forward to his new work in the coming days!
[Wallpapers] Citylights
PRO 7 Poster Wallpapers

Above are our 5 lovely members from the Flyme Content Factory Team! If you want to see them writing topics that you're interested in, leave your comments under this thread and inspire them with your brilliant ideas! Thanks for your support to the team, we'll bring more useful and excellent contents soon! Stay tuned!