Smaller Text and Icons.



2017-05-25 19:16

  From Forum App
In meizu m3 note texts are too large. In setting, I have changed my text size to small. But there should be one more option called “Extra Small”.
Actually there is an option called "extra large", so, i hope there will be an "Extra Small" text size option soon.
Another topic is about all kind of icons like status bar icons, setting icons, homescreen icons.
In my Meizu m3 Note , status bar icons are colourless and there is only 2 kind of icons for most of the apps. And these icons and all other icons are colour less and big. I have seen the statusbar icons of Xiomi Redmi Note 4. If flyme also have a look like MIUI then it would be batter. And I also recomend Flyme to make the statusbar more thinner. After everything , if the flyme UI were had a look like tablet devices ui, that means all kind of featured buttons, logos etc. were look much smaller that would be batter.
thank u.