【Daily Feature】Some interesting story come again - Day 3



2016-02-18 17:42

Daily Feature: We will publish a wallpaper everyday that is professionally designed by Flyme designer with a story to go along with it.

Other Daily Feature:
Panda warrior - season 1

Story review:
Day2 - Disaster Coming
Day1 - Fallen Moon

You can also write down your personal idea of this story in this thread.
Let's  continue our story!!!!

The Story:

The monkeys felt totally lost because they have no idea how they can get the moon out of the water. Then, the leading monkey came up with an idea: since they all have long tails, they can link each other's tail and become a long rope so that the last monkey can get the moon. The leading monkey jumps onto the branch above the well, and other monkeys hold one another's tail to form a long rope. Finally, the last monkey is close enough to get in the well and touch the moon.

Will they get the moon out of the well?

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