[Activities][Contest] Medals Tasks



2016-08-20 10:00

Do you know there's a Tasks option in your personal panel? We added several tasks inside it, follow the instruction, and get more forum medals!

1. Go to your personal panel and click "Tasks";

(PS: You need to access the panel through PC, click PC Edition button on the page bottom, click this link to go to task page directly: http://forum.flymeos.com/home.php?mod=task&item=new , you need to login your forum account before open the page, click HERE to register an account.)

2. Check the list, select your favorite tasks, then click "Apply";

3. You can check the task status, when you complete, click "Get reward" to get your medal, or if you don't want to complete the task, just click "GiveUp"

More medals:
Medal Collector
70K Members Medal

