[Tutorial] Fix for GPS and Google Maps



2017-06-17 22:32

Edited by iMarck90 at 2017-06-17 16:38

In these days, I was been able to testing the GPS of my device in a continuous way. Thanks to @XOJOX I can confirm that his suggestion its working correctly!

Now let's see how we can apply this fix to our devices.
Italian Version

  • Launch the telephone app and writing this code *#*#3646633#*#*.

  • Move on Location and selecting the voice Location Based Service

  • Finding the voice SLP Address.

  • Select Edit and change supl.nokia.com with supl.google.com

Return on the home screen and reboot your device.

With this solution you can use Google Maps without any more issues. Thanks again to @XOJOX for this very interesting find.

P.S. Dont touch and modify any parameters

I'm not responsible for any damage that you can create to your device with the modify of this settings!