[Question of the Week] Which specs are the most important to you?



2016-07-05 11:47

Your smartphone is right up there with your wallet in importance — in fact, it can sometimes double as your wallet. As phones have added more features, they've become  an unchangable companion, helping you stay on top of email and social updates, take and share photos and videos, play music and games, and do a whole lot more. So we probably don't have to tell you that choosing the right phone is a big deal.
Don't forget to vote for the specs when choosing a new phone, and feel free to leave a comment of what you think is most important when choosing a new phone.

Multiple Polls: ( Maximum 4 choices ), Total 87 Users voted
15.02% (44)
17.75% (52)
1.37% (4)
3.07% (9)
15.36% (45)
19.80% (58)
3.75% (11)
9.56% (28)
11.95% (35)
2.39% (7)
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