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Thanks @Pulak @User5200492212 @User63877148 @Pare_715
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like it, very useful.
Thanx. | |
Nice tutorial. However ftp is a pretty old and potentially insecure protocol. You should include a section in your tutorial explaining how to configure the ftp server to use a username and a password. It is very easy to do and gives you some more security.
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bilgilendirme icin cok saolun hocam ama sd carda ulasamiyorum onu nasil yapiyoruz acaba ???
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memetkarahanli replied at 2016-10-16 22:12 abim turkiye kismina yaziniz.. diger mod arkadaslar yardimci olacaktir telefonumda sd kart girisi olmadigindan bilemeyecem ama kartin formati fat32 olmasi gerekir. | |
very good tip
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nice tutorial
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thanks for info
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good one
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