EASY CONVERT VIDEOS in 2 steps HIDE from videos Without third party app Edited by kriisss48 at 2017-09-25 19:12
If any video we can convert by just simple method no need of converter. some videos which or not playing in their present format so change it you can play it by we recommended format and it will be played.just do this steps If video name is VIDEO1.mp4 Just press on the video and press rename that you want to change the format for ex.. you want to change it .avi so press rename like VIDEO1.avi the video will be played as avi format HIDE means it will not appear in any video player.HOW.. If name is VIDEO1.mp4 Just rename it as VIDEO1.mp or VIDEO1.mp5 like that. So the renamed format does not exists in any video format.so no video player not shows or not play automatically hides means not appear in video player. If you want to see that video rename it VIDEO1.mp4 It will appear SO No NEED OF ANY APP FOR CONVERSION OR HIDING VIDEOS. MEMORY SAFE RAM SAFE available for us Thanks. | |