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2017-07-02 09:48


5-ть лет назад  в моей жизни очень многое поменялось после того, как мой парень сделал мне предложение. До этого мы встречались и мне было не важно, брак это или не брак - самое главное, что мы вместе. Даже в ЗАГС мы шли как-то не всерьез. Просто как-то пришло осознание того, что нам хочется официально зарегистрировать наши отношения, так почему бы нет?..  Осознание этого важного шага в моей жизни пришло позже, спустя несколько месяцев. Я для себя поняла, что уже не просто какая-то девочка, я жена - и мне это очень нравится. Мне всегда хотелось быть женой именно этого парня и никак иначе. Внутри меня что-то изменилось, я под другим углом стала смотреть на многие вещи, переосмыслила свои ценности и в конце концов - мне захотелось быть женщиной, а не вечным девочкой-подростком, какой я была раньше. И мой муж стал меняться в лучшую сторону ... как будто бы стал старше и более ответственен - в самом хорошем смысле этих слов.
Теперь я осознаю и мне очень нравится этото статус, эти слова "я с мужем..." - это и есть ощущение жены. Это оказалось совсем не так, как я себе  представляла, а гораздо интереснее и лучше. И хотя до замужества я особо не думала о защищенности, но тут вдруг я ее почувствовала - и мне это очень понравилось.
5-ть лет назад, регистрация брака стала новым витком развития и новым уровнем в наших отношениях, которые приносят счастье сегодня и дает уверенность в завтрашнем дне.







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2017-07-02 10:29

Edited by jaga5200724736 at 2017-07-02 15:15

Last but not least, This is so much special to my family. It is a HMT WATCH gifted to my father at his wedding by my grandfather. My father gifted it to me at my 10th exams in 2007. it is so special to me. At now its not working. But I kept it safely to show my children. It is 28 years old but shines as a new one. it is with me higher then 5 years.

hmt watch.jpg (11.34 KB, Downloads: 47)

hmt watch.jpg

Miezu account.jpg (51.84 KB, Downloads: 57)

Miezu account.jpg
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2017-07-02 11:23

Пять лет назад появился на свет мой сын. С тех пор моя жизнь полностью изменилась.  
Не имея ни минуты покоя, я получаю огромное удовольствие находясь с этим маленьким человечком рядом.
Первый смех, первые слова - "папа", первые шаги, каждый день мой сын меня удивляет и радует, мое продолжение и маленькая копия меня.  

Я наблюдаю на протяжении 5-ти лет, за познанием ребёнком мира и себя, и это похоже на чтение хорошего детектива с захватывающей интригой.

Мне кажется, что жизнь без детей очень скучна. Да, есть вино, кино и домино, но в сущности это всё  очень однообразно. Я считаю, что в жизни людей не слишком много по-настоящему глубоких переживаний, ещё меньше из них имеют позитивный характер. Безспорно, дети забирают очень много времени, много энергии, но вместо этого они дают нам что-то такое, что сложно описать словами.

Рождение ребёнка — это безумное, невероятное событие, полнейший вылет в космос без страховки.

Это бесконечное счастье.







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2017-07-02 11:30

Edited by abcaafl at 2017-07-02 09:55

Hello Friends!
This is my old and only laptop Lenovo G580. My parents bought it five years ago in September.Because I had to go to university lessons..
I made abstracts through this notebook, coursework and etc. And sometimes I played these games  CS, NFS, GTA SA, especially GTA liked.. I on this laptop learned to write at Word, and draw the components on autocad.In this photo I'm learning to draw.
Two years ago my laptop broke down, I repaired it myself after that it turned on, I just replaced the hard disk .and I have since started to sort out the electronics. I liked to repair the electronics Thanks to this laptop. Now it is not fast, as in the first uses(But it works well.For me this laptop was very useful.
Photo taken on Meizu u10.
I want meizu pro 7.Because my phone is drowned in the water, and therefore it does not work well.and in Flyme 6 there are many possibilities. I really like flyme.I'm two years with flyme.[m3s nd u10]

I congratulate you with the fifth birthday and wish you good luck!I like Flyme!

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DiwaliMedalflyme fan

2017-07-02 12:44

Edited by sandhupilla at 2017-07-03 00:24

today iwill of thing that has been on my side since 5 year.Here so many are with my side but idoes not want to say about routine thing what others comments like their bike,books or some other routine objects but in this comment iam new from others here iam commenting on the things that saves my life from danger and a comedy thing happen in my house.

"Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it "

If you think you're too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito.Eradicating mosquitoes is a means to an end. An uninfected mosquito is harmless to humans - just a nuisance. An infected mosquito is a danger.

last five years iam healthy from fever avoiding mosquitoes due my allout its keeping me healthy for all nights from mosquitoes.There are so many diseases that causes death due to mosquitoes. so pls stay out from mosquitoes bit use different types of mosquitoes killers like mosquito bats or coils or allout

     "thank you so mich allout by my side in the hole 5 years without any repair and talking care as like my mom"


second thing is my favourite laptop which saves my job. it is with me since five year it is my friend .I acts like a book in exams. it acts like a mediator by connecting my frnds it all my from last five years.i cant miss this

3. this is the unforgettable incident in my life. I have one sister in 2012 my friends came to my house to talk with me at that time my mom is not there in my house so itell to my sister to prepare a juice for my friends.  my sister age is 10 years old she prepared juice for my friends but my friends doeant drunk it when they try to drink they go some smell so they doesnt drunk it. then i asked my sister to taken the juice bottle she then take a harpic bottle from kitchen igot stunned and said to my sis this is not a cool drink bottle this is toilet cleaning bottle. then all of my friends are laughing after seeing that bottle.that time i laughted so much so i preserve that bottle as like a old objects. when i see that bottle iwill remembered those thing. i have still that bottle in my home here below is that bottle.

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2017-07-02 13:02

Edited by abcaafl at 2017-07-02 11:06

Hola again!
My favorite social network is VK. I registered with VK 5 years ago when I was 15 years old.
In it we read  news, worlds, and about new things happening in the world. I study English there. My friend studies in China. We communicate with him through VK. VK I can say about myself, post news and etc. there are jokes, books, games. You can see the video, listen to music I always watch the price of smartphones. I there once won a ticket to the theater in the competition. But I do not check these tickets, because I do not like theater (VK popular in the CIS countries.This is a convenient good social network.
I congratulate you on your birthday!Flyme is the  best!
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2017-07-02 13:25

That's my old good friend - Benjamin Trail Nitro Piston. I use it for planking and pest control. It's powerful enough to hunt an average animal and amazingly accurate with custom scope. Built-in sound moderator allows me to calm down a loud crow and don't disturb my menage.
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2017-07-02 15:45

We buy my dog 5 years ago.I am very attached to him and he is important to me because I do everything with him also use my MEIZU phone (like in the picture).

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2017-07-02 16:49

I think I'm just gonna speak about my Nintendo Wii U.

It was the one who made me discover YouTube back in 2012. Now I have a YouTube Channel thanks to her

It was also the one who helped me in very bad moments. One day, I was crying when I went to home. I've just played with my Wii U for like 2 ou 3 hours (I just had the game : The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild)

I've also made some competition on Mario Kart 8, and my Wii U was my trainer for them. I just had too much story to told !
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2017-07-02 16:57

I think it's the only thing i have of 5 years old i have sweet sweet memories engraved in it of my time when i was in northern india.
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