ho acquistato il meizu m3 note e l'ho consigliato anche ad amici,facendoci pero' una brutta figura. ho WIND e la mia unica fortuna è quella, sempre in 3g e per fortuna a segnale pieno. dispiace per meizu perché' la ritenevo pronta per il mercato europeo, ma mi sbagliavo.per poter fare presa su un mercato nuovo, va data la priorità' nel sistemare e rimediare ai propri errori immediatamente.
in cina non avranno questi problemi. qui MEIZU non siamo in cina. credo che in italia se non risolvono tutto davvero entro natale,periodo regali,si bruciano il ns mercato. nessuno prendera' piu' in considerazione meizu. tutto a favore degli altri produttori cinesi...che invece venderanno moltissimo in futuro. SBRIGATEVI. grazie | |
Boys now let's be reasonable. They removed the bad firmware so now let's give him time to prepare one that is worthy of note, do not give it too much haste otherwise the situation will never end. However Meizu not make us wait too long and we are hoping to get to the end of this long tunnel. | |
I have the same
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I have the same problem. FIX THIS ***ING SHIT ***!!!!!!
I do not agree. I have this problem for a long time. Already published two updates, but the problem has not been solved.
Не согласен. У меня эта проблема давно. Уже два обновления вышло, а проблема не решена. | |
No comments developers are no comments moderators, there is no solution to the problem in the updates. Feeling as if the problem no one knows, and nothing is going to do and forget about the problem. Therefore, users insist that gave even be some kind of response.
Нет комментариев разработчиков, нет комментариев модераторов, нет решения проблемы в обновлениях. Ощущение, будто о проблеме никто не знает и ничего не собирается делать и о проблеме забыли. Поэтому пользователи настаивают на том, чтобы дали хотябы какой-то ответ. | |
Azzurra98 replied at 2016-11-10 15:17 Bravo, quoto pienamente !! | |
I ask the moderators who can contact the development team to refer if they are working on the problem and an estimated time for the corrective update so we can at least be a little 'easier knowing that you are working on it ..
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Me too
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I would submit to the moderators, so then you can report to the developers, there is also a problem in the use of wifi with version. Not having this version can not bring the bugs in the section. I hope that some users with this bug can do this in the section dedicated to bugs.
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