Pony reveals design principles of Flyme 6!



2016-08-25 18:32

Pony Chow, general manager of Flyme system development, reveals in a recent interview the design principles of Flyme 6, the upcoming new version of Flyme, which is supposed to come out at the end of 2016.

What is the objective of Flyme 6?
(Pony) For us this is a very big topic. Instead of objectives, I think what we considered more, however, is discretion.
We've been thinking a lot lately, about where is the boundary or limit, of bringing new features to our users.

For example, when developing 3D Press, our developers actually tried and realized multiple new features.

One of the features was press hardly on the screen bottom to switch between two apps. During the test, we found that this feature could bring mis-operation and misunderstanding, even when playing voice messages we might press hardly and trigger this feature.  Another example is we made a feature which enabled users to pull down notification bar by press the screen hardly. But this feature was also not intuitive and required learning curves. So we changed these two operations into other ways which are more intuitive.

So when adding a new feature to Flyme 6, we would be more careful and review it for multiple rounds --- is this feature going to confuse users? How much difference or value can this feature bring to our users?
Another inevitable trend in the future of system development is intelligentization.

Which means Flyme 6 should understand our users more than they can even imagine. It will anticipate and prepare almost unnoticeably for the users' next move.
On the other hand, we would not be limited to the system, that means we would draw inspirations from more third-party apps. One example was pulling down to refresh the page created by Tweetbot. This interaction was widely adopted later by other apps. We are looking for more innovative interactions just like this one.

There are lots of universal rules in interaction and feature designs, Flyme 6 will undoubtedly be more progressive on that aspect.

[Source link: BiggerTech Column]