brian_rodrigu ...


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Honour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusBeta TeamGlobal FansAvatar uploadedEarphoneInstagramPainterPandacontent creatorcontest loverflyme fanhotstarM3 notemeizu 13th anniversary50KForumMembers70KForumMembers100KForumMembersFlymeRecourcesTeamDebate Master10KForumPostsDiwaliMedal1st_anniversarybest_contentforum_appyearly_forum_memberModeratorExcellent ModeratorFacebookTwitterMX5

2016-01-12 01:29

1. 2003.

2. 12 July 2012.

3. 5 major versions of Flyme released since Flyme 1.0 These are Flyme 1.0, Flyme 2.0, Flyme 3.0, Flyme 4.0, Flyme 4.5, Flyme 5.0 (Latest)

4. Six models. These are Meizu M1 note (Jan28), Meizu M2 note (June2), Meizu mx5 (June28), Meizu M2 (July9), Meizu Pro 5 (Sep23), Meizu Metal (Oct21).

5. Delhi.

6. 13 December 2015.

7. Meizu MX5.

8. Meizu M1 Note.

9. Meizu M2.

10. Meizu M2 Note.
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brian_rodrigu ...


Sign In:3874

Honour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusBeta TeamGlobal FansAvatar uploadedEarphoneInstagramPainterPandacontent creatorcontest loverflyme fanhotstarM3 notemeizu 13th anniversary50KForumMembers70KForumMembers100KForumMembersFlymeRecourcesTeamDebate Master10KForumPostsDiwaliMedal1st_anniversarybest_contentforum_appyearly_forum_memberModeratorExcellent ModeratorFacebookTwitterMX5

2016-01-12 01:28

1. 2003.

2. 12 July 2012.

3. 5 major versions of Flyme released since Flyme 1.0 These are Flyme 1.0, Flyme 2.0, Flyme 3.0, Flyme 4.0, Flyme 4.5, Flyme 5.0 (Latest)

4. Six models. These are Meizu M1 note (Jan28), Meizu M2 note (June2), Meizu mx5 (June28), Meizu M2 (July9), Meizu Pro 5 (Sep23), Meizu Metal (Oct21).

5. Delhi.

6. 14 December 2015.

7. Meizu MX5.

8. Meizu M1 Note.

9. Meizu M2.

10. Meizu M2 Note.
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brian_rodrigu ...


Sign In:3874

Honour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusBeta TeamGlobal FansAvatar uploadedEarphoneInstagramPainterPandacontent creatorcontest loverflyme fanhotstarM3 notemeizu 13th anniversary50KForumMembers70KForumMembers100KForumMembersFlymeRecourcesTeamDebate Master10KForumPostsDiwaliMedal1st_anniversarybest_contentforum_appyearly_forum_memberModeratorExcellent ModeratorFacebookTwitterMX5

2016-01-12 01:27

1. March 2003.

2. 12 July 2012.

3. 5 major versions of Flyme released since Flyme 1.0 These are Flyme 1.0, Flyme 2.0, Flyme 3.0, Flyme 4.0, Flyme 4.5, Flyme 5.0 (Latest)

4. Six models. These are Meizu M1 note (Jan28), Meizu M2 note (June2), Meizu mx5 (June28), Meizu M2 (July9), Meizu Pro 5 (Sep23), Meizu Metal (Oct21).

5. Delhi.

6. 14 December 2015.

7. Meizu MX5.

8. Meizu M1 Note.

9. Meizu M2.

10. Meizu M2 Note.
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brian_rodrigu ...


Sign In:3874

Honour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusBeta TeamGlobal FansAvatar uploadedEarphoneInstagramPainterPandacontent creatorcontest loverflyme fanhotstarM3 notemeizu 13th anniversary50KForumMembers70KForumMembers100KForumMembersFlymeRecourcesTeamDebate Master10KForumPostsDiwaliMedal1st_anniversarybest_contentforum_appyearly_forum_memberModeratorExcellent ModeratorFacebookTwitterMX5

2016-01-12 01:24

1. March 2003.

2. 12 July 2012.

3. 5 major versions of Flyme released since Flyme 1.0 These are Flyme 1.0, Flyme 2.0, Flyme 3.0, Flyme 4.0, Flyme 4.5, Flyme 5.0 (Latest)

4. Six models. These are Meizu M1 note (Jan28), Meizu M2 note (June2), Meizu mx5 (June28), Meizu M2 (July9), Meizu Pro 5 (Sep23), Meizu Meilan Metal (Oct21).

5. Delhi.

6. 14 December 2015.

7. Meizu MX5.

8. Meizu M1 note.

9. Meizu M2.

10. Meizu M2 Note
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Beta Team-Global
Design is intelligence!


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best_content100KForumMembersM2 noteSuper HunterHonour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusBeta TeamGlobal FansAvatar uploadedEarphoneInstagramPainterPandacontest loverflyme 5flyme fanhotstarmeizu 13th anniversaryyearly_beta_testerFacebookTwitterMX510KForumPostsforum_appcontent creator

2016-01-12 01:16

1. 2003
2. July 12, 2012.
3. Six.
4. Six.
5. Delhi.
6. 15 December, 2015.
7. Meizu m2 note.
8. Meizu m2.
9. Meizu MX5.
10. Meizu m2 note.
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brian_rodrigu ...


Sign In:3874

Honour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusBeta TeamGlobal FansAvatar uploadedEarphoneInstagramPainterPandacontent creatorcontest loverflyme fanhotstarM3 notemeizu 13th anniversary50KForumMembers70KForumMembers100KForumMembersFlymeRecourcesTeamDebate Master10KForumPostsDiwaliMedal1st_anniversarybest_contentforum_appyearly_forum_memberModeratorExcellent ModeratorFacebookTwitterMX5

2016-01-12 01:16

1. March 2003.

2. 12 July 2012.

3. 5 major versions of Flyme released since Flyme 1.0 These are Flyme 1.0, Flyme 2.0, Flyme 3.0, Flyme 4.0, Flyme 4.5, Flyme 5.0 (Latest)

4. Six models. These are Meizu M1 note (Jan28), Meizu M2 note (June2), Meizu mx5 (June28), Meizu M2 (July9), Meizu Pro 5 (Sep23), Meizu Meilan Metal (Oct21).

5. Delhi.

6. 14 December 2015.

7. Meizu M2 note.

8. Meizu M1 note.

9. Meizu M2.

10. Meizu M2 Note.
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pranaysanchet ...
Beta Team-Global


Sign In:74

100KForumMembersPhoto Geniusyearly_beta_tester

2016-01-12 01:13

1. 2003
2. 12july2012
3. 6
4. 5
5. September 1
6. 24-12-15
7. Meizu metal
8. M2
9. M2 note
10. M2 note
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Beta Team-Global
Attention to details


Sign In:239

best_content100KForumMembersM2Honour Online Photo GeniusBeta TeamAvatar uploadedEarphoneInstagramPandacontest loverflyme 5M3 notemeizu 13th anniversary50KForumMembers70KForumMembersyearly_beta_testerFacebookTwitterMX410KForumPostsforum_app1st_anniversary

2016-01-12 00:55

1. March 2003
2. July 2012
3. 6 major versions
4. 8 phones
5. Delhi
6. 11-Dec-2015
7. Meizu mx5
8. Meizu m2
9. Meizu m2
10. Meizu m2 note
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Sign In:161

M2Honour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusBeta TeamGlobal FansAvatar uploadedEarphonePandacontent creatorcontest loverhotstar50KForumMembers70KForumMembers100KForumMembersFlymeRecourcesTeamM3SDebate Master10KForumPostsDiwaliMedal1st_anniversarybest_contentforum_appyearly_beta_testerModeratorExcellent ModeratorFacebookTwitter

2016-01-12 00:53

1.March 2003
2.June 12, 2012
3.5 With flyme 5
4.4 models
7.Meizu mx5
8.Meizu m2
9.Meizu m2
10.Meizu m2 note
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Meizu Pro 6 Plus


Sign In:579

best_content1st_anniversary100KForumMembersHonour Online Value ContributePhoto GeniusBeta TeamGlobal FansSuper ModeratorAvatar uploadedEarphoneInstagramPandacontent creatorcontest loverflyme 5hotstarmeizu 13th anniversarypro 650KForumMembers70KForumMembersDebate Masteryearly_beta_testerModeratorExcellent ModeratorFacebookTwitterPro 510KForumPostsforum_app

2016-01-12 00:48

1. 2003
2. July 2012
3. 6
4. 6
5. Delhi
6. 10th December 2015
7. Meizu MX5
8. Meizu m2
9. Meizu m2
10. Meizu m2 note
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