Any like for the new Facebook Like button?



2016-06-29 15:25

We all are so hocked up to Facebook. Aren't we?  
We share our joys, sorrows, and proud moments with our friends & family over Facebook.

FB is the top social media platform, which is striving very hard to stay ahead in Innovation. They always keep innovating & we have seen some amazing new features introduced by FB in last couple of months. To name few:
1.    Facebook Messenger adds Diverse emoji
2.    FB allows you to upload video in comments
3.    Facebook Live videos
4.    FB chrome extensions for sharing & saving articles
5.    FB slideshow where you can convert photos into videos
6.    Like 360 degree videos in Virtual reality
7.    Upload 360 degree photos to the news Feed

I personally liked the emoji feature. Which one did you liked the most out of all the above?
Talking about Like, Facebook has got their like button redesigned as below:
Previously, the buttons for liking and sharing both used Facebook's corporate logo. Now they have their own icons. There are also new icons for following, recommending, and saving articles to read later.

Did you find the new like button better than the old like button? If yes then why?