[Review] Make Flyme great again



2018-08-03 00:12

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Edited by Baibhab at 2018-08-03 00:20

I'm using Flyme and Miui for over 2.5yr from Flyme 4 to flyme 7
I must say Miui did a great job this time with Miui 10
Personally i love Flyme that's why i use Meizu device most but I'm very disappointed with Flyme 7
Flyme 7 ui is 90% same as Flyme 6 developers please make something new in ui to make it look more attractive
You can see miui vs flyme screenshot here
IMG-20180729-WA0001.jpg S80802-213623.jpg
IMG-20180729-WA0002.jpg S80802-214149.jpg