[MONTH_2] [NEW]Tool of the Month-File sharing tool by FLYME FORGET XENDER



2018-06-03 12:25

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Edited by Prashant073 at 2018-06-18 12:37

Hey guys, Today I come with new file sharing tool by Flyme.

There are many methods for sharing files by differnt apps and there is App by flyme too named "Migration Tool"

In Migration tool there is only one sided transfer is possible and with the help of  Speed is slow... For kickout this problem I come with newly feature found in File Manager version of flyme 7 named


When I see the feature of file manager and when I used it I was amazed by seeing the speed of transfering files it sometime reaches about 10 MB/S

So let's see how to use it.

Step 1 : open file manager of flyme 7 (Link is below)

Step 2: Select file which you want to share

Step 3: Tap on QR Transfer, QR code of that perticular file will be generated and HotSpot will start automatically.


Step 4: Start WLAN in other phone and connect  MEIZU- FVGQRI

(In my case)

Step 5: Scan that QR code with your camera app

Step 6:Tap on https:/192.xxx.xxxx.x

Step 7: It will redirect you to browser where file is there for download and tap on chinese word

wooooohooo Your file is Transfering without Internet connection.....

Here is Flyme file manager of version 7