Mother's Day: got a gift yet?



2018-05-11 19:29

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Hey guys! It's Mother's Day on this Sunday. Do you have any plans to prepare any gift for your mom? Maybe you have a busy work or a heavy study workload, but it's not too late to pick a thoughtful small gift for her. Do you have anything in mind? Well today we are going to display some good last-minute choices for your references. If you have any other good ideas, leave your comment and save other desperate people with your brilliant gifts!

1. Cosmetics
Well, maybe you didn't notice, but your mom is a woman indeed Every girl loves cosmetics, even in daily life they might not show their interests. Some might suggest popular items such as lipstick and perfume, however, those items are extremely personal, and popular shades and fragrances might not go with your mom. A safer choice would be a colorless lip balm or hand cream --- it's easy to buy small items like these, and everyone needs it, plus it consumes really quickly (so even if you bought something she doesn't really like, it will be used up soon). Just a small tip, remember to select lip balm and hand cream with SPF value, these 2 body parts needs sunblocking too, yet they always get overlooked in daily life. Small items like these are normally not expensive, so you can buy it easily.

(The images displayed in this thread are just using as examples. It does not mean Flyme forum recommends these items)

2. Clothing
Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking you to go into a store full of mid-aged female clothes and  try to find something for your mom I know your taste is far too young to pick a proper clothes for your mom. But, it never hurts to get an extra hat, scarf or socks. The summer is coming, so a hat is a good choice. Don't buy her a cap, it would look awkward (unless your mom is really athletic). A wide brimmed hat would look nice, especially a straw hat, which goes with summer outfit easily. And a silk scarf goes perfectly with every mom's clothes because its sedate style. Also in an A/C room, when she feels chilly she can use the scarf as a small blanket to keep her warm.

3. Things she really enjoys but doesn't have time to do
If you know your mom's hobby well, you might find something that she's interested in but couldn't get time to do, such as going to a concert, visiting a painter's exhibition, enjoying the good weather on the beach, and etc. You can either get her ticket, and help her with the housekeeping duties so she can enjoy some leisure time to do stuff she loves. Or, you can get her digital versions so she can enjoy it whenever and wherever. For example, if she doesn't have time for a concert she wants to listen to, you can always get her the digital version and put it into her phone, so she can listen to it anytime. Or maybe more easily, you can take her to a lovely spot: beach, park, forest, a nice dinner, and etc.

4. Hi-tech gadget she might enjoy but will never buy on her own
Your mom could be chic too. Maybe she really needs a cool earphones but you just too busy to notice. Things like earphones, powerbanks, Wi-Fi card, vacuum robot really helps improving the life quality but she never knows because she doesn't think it's necessary and doesn't know where to get them. So it's time for you guys to show your brains and expertise in this area: pick a gadget within your capabilities and make her everyday life better!

If you don't have time to find gifts, you can always cook her a dinner and give her a chance for some rest. The action might seem small, yet the effect is huge, and it deepens the bond within the family!

As usual, our Flyme designer has made a wallpaper for this special day. Enjoy, and don't forget to send you love to your mom !