Tutorial on Super mBack APK Installation



2018-02-01 00:00

Ansh Singh's Thread
Download Apk From ChatDexter's Thread  http://forum.flymeos.com/thread-39187-1-1.html
In continuation with ChatDexter's Thread. Here read  how to install it.


Recently Meizu released M6s with great features and specifications. The most unique was the new Halo Button used for navigation. It was suggested by many users to give Halo Button in all Meizu devices. Here is how you can get it in your device.


It was tested on M6 Note with Android 7.0 . So maybe it will work only on devices with Android Nougat. But you can test it on other devices too!

You need root access and a Root Explorer.

Download the zip file from ChatDexter's Thread. It contains all the reuired files for installation.


1.Install Root Explorer and give it Root Access.

2.Head to : system/priv-app/SystemUITools




3.There copy and replace the System UI Tools apk provided in zip file. Reboot your device.

4.Now open Quick Shortcut Maker app.
Search for System UI Tools app.

5.Click on it. You will get an Activity named "NavigationBarSettingsActivity”.
Click on it. Then on next window click on “Create”. Then “Ok”.

6.Now an app appears on Home Screen. Click on it. In the app window click on mBack Option.

Voila You have Halo Button in your Device. Enjoy…

Credit goes to Encore96 for this great tutorial.

Thanks Everyone