Quick Q&A with Flyme Designers



2017-11-10 22:46

Hi guys! Have you participated in the theme contest yet? If you have, please make sure your file contains everything it requires; and if you haven't,click here and check out the contest thread! We have great prizes for both designers and forum users!

Well, since obviously the participants are designers, or designers-to-be, today we had a quick Q&A session with some of our designers from Flyme Designing Team, and let's see what's their opinions towards the contest and designing work!

We have 3 designers with us: Samson, TTJIN, and Roc. Here we go!

Q: Tell us something about your work. What's your role in Flyme designing team?
S: I'm the designer of Flyme's Themes app, so whenever there is a new version, I'll be the designer to make the new interface. Also , I'm the one for important events which needs H5 designing.
T: Most of my working hours are devoted to Flyme global team's image design. Which means most of the images posted on the forum and social media of Flyme are designed by me. Also most of the global firmware apps' interface is designed by me.
R: My work is mostly related mostly to brand image, so I design online and offline activity material (posters, T-shirts, and etc.) and major Flyme events (like the Theme Contest this year).

Q: When doing designing works, what do you think is the most important quality, or characteristics?
S: For me it's boundless imagination.
T: I think integrity is very important. A designer can draw advantages from other people's work, but plagiarizing is not accepted. Be creative and original.
R: Knowing what's your purpose and how you're going to achieve that purpose.

Q: How would you describe your team?
S: Flyme designer team is a very open and funny team. In our team we don't have 'leaders', everyone is friend to each other. And the work assignment is considerably reasonable, and even when things get piled up, colleagues are happy to help each other out.
T: Well the most obvious feature of our team is most designers are very young. But I feel and learn a lot from each one of them because they all pursuit of perfection. Also our team is devoting and willing to share.
R: Our team is very young, so the atmosphere is absolutely light and fun. However our team is very keen to be precise and accurate. The assignment to each designer is very clear, so we can pull our best effort to build a better Flyme by delivering our best design.

Q: If you're a judge of the Theme Design Contest, what would you value the most, and why?
S: Creativity, consistency and completeness. Creativity will ensure the work standing out from the its competitors, and consistency and completeness means it delivers a complete story.
T: When I'm reviewing a theme, I will want to see a prominent personal characteristics in the work. Designers can use his work to tell a story and make it very unique for me remember it.
R: I think devotion is very important. The work will show how much time you have spend on it, whether it's creative or beautiful, it all comes down to how much effort you have put into it.

Q: What theme style do you prefer personally? Let's give some inspiration to our contestants.
S: I like creative design, minimalism flat design and also very cool material design.
T: I like flat style. A good theme should be very simple but also with some delicate details. And the images should be expressive, to let people understand what you want to say in this theme.
R: I like theme with story background, for example a theme draws inspiration from some fairy tales or novels, and combine the elements with the theme designing logically. For instance, when someone choose Harry Potter as the story background, using an owl icon for Mail app would be very logical and interesting. With this thinking mode, one can create a great theme.

Q: When you are stuck in your work, what do you usually do to find inspirations?
S: I sometimes browse through websites such as behance and dribbble to get inspired. I think good designers all should have their own inspiration collections categorized into different folders so he can be motivated when stuck.
T: I would do something totally unrelated to design to switch my mind set and calm my mood. This helps me to solve the problems better.
S: When stuck I probably would check some other designs, listen to some music, watch movies, or talk with my colleagues to see what they're doing and why they're doing it in certain ways.

Q: If not a designer, what would you be at this moment?
S: If I'm not a designer, I probably would be someone whose work is related to designing, such as dessert chef, brista, or opening a tea shop. I think using my own skills to sell products to customers is something that's really fulfilling.  
T: I think I would be a chef which makes customized food and desert for customers, and I would love to study different food cultures in different countries and regions.
R: Maybe a teacher.

Q: One last question, would you recommend a movie that you recently watched to our forum users, and why?
S: Drishyam. It's an Indian movie which tells a story that a father defended his family member (who accidentally killed some tresspassing invader) from the police with the skills he learned from the movie.
T: Wolf Warriors. It's a very passionate movie, and motivates everyone to love his own country. I like the leading role in the movie.
R: Thor 3: Ragnarok. A very hilarious popcorn movie. It makes you happy as long as you don't mind too much about the old-fashioned story line.

This is our Quick Q&A with Flyme Designers for today. Next time we'll have a little chat with Chinese theme contest winners. Stay tuned, see you next time!