[Question of the Week] Which type of smartphone user are you?



2016-04-07 09:40

Since now and days most people are considered to own a smartphone, have you ever wondered or questioned yourself what type of smartphone user one is? Well I have gathered a short list here with a descr iption of the featured type of user.

1) Gamers- These are the people who have Temple Run scores longer than their phone numbers. When you get stuck on a particular level in Candy Crush, they help you out cos they’re 134 levels ahead of you).
2) Selfie King/Queen-“But first, let me take a selfie” is their most commonly used sentence. They could be in a washroom or at the top of the Himalayas; it doesn’t matter.

3) The Texter- Their idea of social interaction is sitting with a group of people while they text other people. A catastrophe for them is when their battery starts to die. They’re the ones who, in every group picture, have their eyes glued on their phone screen instead of on the camera.

4) The Video Watcher- When on the smartphone is always watching a video, and occasionally isn't paying attention to his/her surroundings and may run into a wall in certain circumstances.

5) The Self-Entertainer- Regardless of what's going on this person will always be entertained of whatever their doing on their smartphone and majority of the time can get a good laugh out of it.

6) Glued to the Phone- As strange as it might sound, this person is constantly busy doing something on their phone, no matter what happens it seems like the person can't take their hands off their smartphone.

7) The photographer- When and where ever is always taking shots of his/her surroundings weather it's for instagram or just a hobby this person is constantly looking for the best angle to take the shot.

Heres a sample video of types of smartphone users:

If you have any good ideas for the poll, feel free to post your idea in a comment, and don't forget to vote for whichever type of user you believe that best fits yourself!

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