Difference between different Flyme OS firmware names



2016-04-03 23:41

Hello friends!

In this post I am going to write about the different FlymeOS firmware names and what makes each of then different. By names difference I do not mean version but the Letter(s) that are used after it. Example: here 'A' marks the name of the firmware. I will try to make this post as brief as possible so that you just dont click the back button seeing a long post... haha...

Chinese firmware or 'A' firmware

Let's start with the firmware that gets updated the first, that is, Chinese firmware. You can know that it is a Chinese firmware once you see the letter 'A' after the version name. This firmware is mostly for the people who live in China as it contains Chinese language as dedault and only support 4 languages, that is, Chinese Simplified, Traditional Chinese, Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong) and English (United States).

What makes it different?

Things that makes it different from other firmware is that it gets updated first, Has many useful apps (Like App Store, Themes, Weather, Smart Voice, etc.) which are not present currently in the Global or Indian firmware because those apps are in Chinese.

Where to download these firmware?

The place where you can get the Chinese firmware is here

Chinese firmware based of YunOS or 'Y' firmware

This is also the Chinese firmware based on Alibaba's YunOS which is also designed for Chinese customers. There is not much difference from the Chinese (A) firmware other than in Settings and in Boot screen.

What makes it different?

Just the fact that it is based on Alibaba's YunOS.

Where to download these firmware?

Same page where Chinese (A) firmware is available, that is, here

Global firmware or 'G' or 'I' firmware

This is the firmware that is developed for the Global Meizu users and the phones that are shipped to other countries by Meizu except India has this firmware preloaded. Before the release of Flyme 5 with new naming pattern of the firmware, it was also known as International firmware but from Flyme 5 onwards it will be known as Global firmware.

What makes it different?

This firmware doesnt contain Chinese bloatware but also lack many useful Meizu apps due to Chinese language. It contains many language from around the world so that the user can choose the language which he/she prefers.

Where to download these firmware?

The place where you can get the Global firmware is here

Indian or "IN" or 'I' firmware

This firmware is specially designed for Indian users. Previously known as 'I' firmware is now renamed as 'IN' to remove unnecessary confusions.
What makes it different?

The Flyme Account support is withdrawn from the Indian firmware because of rooting or other issues and changed bootscreen containing Taj Mahal but other than these everything is same as the Global firmware.

Where to download these firmware?

The place where you can get the Indian firmware is here

Beta firmware or "beta" firmware

This firmware is released only when a firmware is in making and it's public beta is released for the users to experience how it would feel to use the new firmware when stable is released.

What makes it different?

It is comparitively less stable but gives almost the full experience of new firmware. The updates are not regular though. Only experienced users with experience in Flashing ROMs are suggested to use this firmware.

Where to download these firmware?

The links are updated in the Beta section of the device firmware download page of Chinese firmwares. Global or Indian beta is not publicly released till now.

Internal Beta firmware or "daily" firmware

These firmwares are for Internal Meizu Beta Team only/ These are not usually released for public experience.

What makes it different?

This is the most unstable firmware that are only for Beta Team members to find the bugs to make the firmware better for the other users. They are released on a regular interval.

Where to download these firmware?

Sorry, these are not for download.

Thanks for taking your time for reading this post.
I hope you had liked it and reading it was not a time waste (ofcourse )

A Crazy Meizu Fan,
Aditya Goenka