Google maps to be questioned?



2016-04-01 15:32

If ever there was a sign that maybe – just maybe – we put too much faith in technology, the remains of 7601 Calypso Drive in Texas should really be the noisy wake-up call we ordered. Google Maps pointed to the wrong house – 7601 Calypso Drive, rather than nearby 7601 Cousteau Drive – and WFAA reports that demolition company, Billy L Nabors Demolition of Seagoville, went with the rogue GPS co-ordinates.
The home was a duplex co-owned by Lindsay Diaz and Alan Cutter, who were waiting on an insurance payout for repairs to their home following a Boxing Day tornado. But on Tuesday morning, Diaz was contacted by the wife of Cutter informing her that the house was gone. “I pull up, and – sure enough – it’s gone. There’s nothing left,” she told WFAA.
So what are your thoughts on the story? How would you react if this had happened to you?
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