Flyme 6 Global Stable waiting made me outrageous!!!!



2017-04-01 20:56

  From Forum App
Edited by _Bajiru_ at 2017-04-01 19:18

We were waiting until March for the Beta, we waited.  We were waiting until April for the Stable, we waited. Our patience is OVER, MEIZU. I don't know what you're up to. I am just one of the users that are waiting Flyme 6  for about 5 months!  Go to the Chinese Flyme Official Website ( and you will find Flyme 6 Stable Yun-OS based! ( BUT, go to the Global Flyme Official Website (or Update app) and you will find nothing!  JUST NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! Only a page named "Flyme 6" describing it and if you go to the download page and you will find only Flyme 5. WHAT IS GOING ON MEIZU??????????????  WE WANT FLYME 6 GLOBAL STABLE AT LEAST ON MONDAY! (Monday 03/04/2017) PLEASE GIVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!