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2016-03-09 23:25

brian_rodrigues replied at 2016-03-09 14:45
Nice words... For the world to change, we ourself must change first...

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2016-03-10 14:50

Thanks, So how did you celebrated this day ?
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2016-03-10 14:57

Smlcoffidential replied at 2016-03-08 13:03
eliminate gender inequality in employment

Women’s work, both paid and unpaid, is critical to the s ...

WOW, I must appreciate that you took time to put your thoughts here.
Gender gap at work in a big issue & every individual but men & woman must make an attempt to get this fixed.
To began with lets try to get some girls in our forum ..what say ?
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Ice Cream


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2016-03-10 14:58

LinuG replied at 2016-03-08 15:35
Create more awareness that women are getting fleeced with higher prices than men for hair cuts, clot ...

Interesting ideas. Have you paid a women hairdresser more than u pay a male hairdresser ?
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brian_rodrigu ...


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2016-03-10 15:04

Bhavis replied at 2016-03-10 12:27
WOW, I must appreciate that you took time to put your thoughts here.
Gender gap at work in a big  ...

That's a great idea... Its really good to see so many girls (@KKPanda @Bhavis @Tifafa ) contribute towards the growth of the Forum and Meizu...
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2016-03-10 15:10

Edited by Arunabh at 2016-03-10 12:42

Why is there gap between a man and a woman? - This is the most burning question in today's life.

I'm Arunabh. I live in Assam, also known as the Gateway of North-east India. Being a citizen of India, i'll talk a few lines about the gap between the Indian men and women though it is a huge topic and can't be described in a nutshell.

India is a holy place where the people pray to Goddesses like Durga, Saraswati, Kamakhya, etc. But when it comes to equality, it is always seen that women are never getting the position equal to men. From birth to death, it is seen that women are discriminated. If we go through the history of India we will see that there was a time when there was the practice of "Sati Daah" i.e the burning of widows on their husband's pyres. Even today, people believe that the birth of a girl in the family is ominous. But the birth of a boy is celebrated in a great manner. They believe that there is loss in bringing in up a girl child. After all they will have to spend a great amount of money for her marriage. They will also have to offer the bride groom "dahej" (dowry).

If "dahej" is not offered, after marriage the girl is being beaten severely by husband or his family and resends her to home to bring cash. In our society, a girl is never allowed to be independent. They always need to stay under others control. Before marriage she is being nagged at by father or brother and after marriage she goes under the control of husband.

According to me, there is only one way to reduce this gap between men and women. And the way is- "the light of knowledge". Till today, in this 21st Century, there are millions of girls in our country who never went to school. While its their time to gather knowledge, their parents are handling them with brooms or engaging them on kitchens (these can be called her training for her marriage). Girls should be motivated to go to school. They must gather knowledge. It is the only light that will clear up their darkness. They should be energized with the thought that they are no less than a man. If they want they can be Malala Yousafzai, they can be Mother Teresa, they can be Kalpana Chawla, they can be Sarojini Naidu, Bachendri Pal, etc.

Its the women itself who will have to stand up and raise their level and equalise with men. They should not hope for a helping hand of men. One must keep a thing in mind that the future of our country is indirectly dependent on mothers who are women. After all the mother teaches the basic learning to her child. If the mother is well educated, she will educate her child too with good things.
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brian_rodrigu ...


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2016-03-10 15:17

Arunabh replied at 2016-03-10 12:40
Why is there gap between a man and a woman? - This is the most burning question in today's life.

I' ...

Good thoughts bro...
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2016-03-10 15:26

thanks... i liked your thoughts too
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Ice Cream


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2016-03-10 16:08

brian_rodrigues replied at 2016-03-08 16:05
It is very much necessary to reduce this gender gap... Everyone needs to change their mentality for  ...

That's some sad and real facts out there.
But we need to change this for the coming years. How do you think you can contribute to this change?
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Ice Cream


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2016-03-10 16:08

pajji replied at 2016-03-08 16:24
Happy women's day.
Gender Equality is the main thing to considered first in Every part of the world! ...

Glad to see your support for the cause. How have you tried to be part of this change?
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