[Discover 6] Chapter 6: OM - Game Mode



2017-02-08 17:18

Hi guys, so nice to be back here in this Discover 6 column! We had a nice Spring Festival holiday here in China. We wish you a very happy and fulfilling year

Today we are going to discover another great feature of One Mind --- Game Mode.

We all know how smartphone users love games, and we know that to guarantee smooth and excellent game experience. I know what you're thinking when you read this. You're thinking: ahh, so the system will give us a high performance mode when it detects a game is running.

Well, the thinking is both right and wrong. Normally, some other smartphone system will just adjust the capacity of CPU/GPU to the fullest when you can play games regardless of the game categories, however, the battery drains rapidly and sometimes some capacity is just being wasted, for some games don't need that much capacity.

And One Mind thinking engine thinks more for you. It combines the management for both the hardware and software so it can smartly recognize what games are you playing, which means it knows what optimizations the games need and load the optimizing strategies from the cloud.

In this way, the system will optimize its speed and capacity according to different games requirements, thus save a lot of resources and battery, and achieve the balance between performance and battery. What's more, since the system will not adjust the capacity to the fullest in a random way, the possibility of phone heating is greatly reduced.

Beside performance enhancement and battery saving, Game Mode feature also cleans the cache promptly to ensure sufficient storage, blocks floating notifications, disable mBack to avoid accidental touch, and enhances Wi-Fi signal while you're playing games.

Sounds like a really cool feature to Game Lovers, right?! As a gamer myself, I can't wait to experience it in the new Flyme 6!