[Discover 6] Chapter 5: OM - Flash Launch



2017-01-23 11:01

Over the past weeks, we discovered 4 new features about Flyme, and starting today, we are going to explore a big one: One Mind.

Ever since Flyme 6's launch in Beijing back in last December, the 'Smart Thinking Engine' One Mind draws the attention immediately. According to the launch, One Mind is a data-collecting, user behavior analyzing, self-adapting thinking engine that runs in the background without any app for the users to perceive. It optimizes and adjusts the system intelligently in many ways, major features including Flash Launch, Process Reaper, Game Mode, Overnight Repair, and the Smart Notifications we mentioned before actually also belongs to One Mind. And today, we're going to explain one of these major features: Flash Launch.

When your phone is packed with various kinds of apps, it becomes bloated and slow. However, everyone has some favorite apps which will be used on a daily basis. Flash Launch will collect and analyze the app using data to decide which apps are your favorite and set aside a special track for these apps.

Therefore, after some time you spend with Flyme 6, it will know your using habit, and will tag those favorite apps with high priorities, so when you launch these apps, they'll be opened faster than other regular apps.

This is the Flash Launch of One Mind, next chapter we'll reveal something about Process Reaper. See you next time~